Weiskopf Consulting has addressed both Strengths and Weaknesses in your brands SWOT analysis. As we look at Opportunities, it is important to be sure you understand Opportunities before you address them specifically for your brand. An Opportunity is an external factor, something you and your brand have no control over, in comparison with both Strengths and Weaknesses which are internal factors you do control. Changes can be Opportunities, changes in technology, changes in regulations, changes in competition, changes in your company infrastructure to name a few. Not to mention natural disasters, economic and political shifts, along with many more. These changes can be on a local, regional, national, or international level.Consider the scope of Opportunities you want to address. Look at researching your competition in social media as an Opportunity to see what is and what is not working. How can you apply what you learned to your brands social media? What changes have impacted your brands infrastructure? Consider outsourcing some aspect of your business to create more time for you to work your secret sauce.
While the Opportunity itself could be perceived as negative, it is the action you take that morphs the change into your Opportunity. A means to improve your performance, a competitive advantage, Opportunities are actionable. Be sure to utilize the strengths in your company to maximize the Opportunity that you identified. Do not underestimate the impact a small change can make to benefit your brand.

Weiskopf Consulting Opportunities Worksheet
What has changed lately that is an Opportunity for your brand? Utilize the Weiskopf Consulting SWOT Analysis to focus on those changes and your Opportunities. Contact us at 630 474 3412 if you need help with the Opportunities for brand or if you would like a free digital assessment.
Over 15+ years of experience in providing technical solutions and support to allow you to focus on your business.