Weiskopf Consulting has been progressing through your brands SWOT analysis discussion of internal Strengths and Weaknesses then external Opportunities. Finally we have landed on the external and negative, Threats. Anything that could negatively impact your company externally is a Threat. While you can not control a threat, you can control how you prepare and handle them.
In looking at your brand digitally, cyber security is a top priority. More and more we hear about massive national and international brands having data breaches and how they are handling them. You name it, healthcare, banks, retail, every industry is being impacted. Some brands have reacted immediately and informed their clients, other brands have tried to keep the circumstances private. Whatever they chose, a reaction was warranted.
And while an external force targeting your brand for a data breach may seem unlikely, you have other forms of cyber security to consider. Phishing scams are getting more frequent and more sophisticated. As they continue to evolve to adopt new forms and techniques, you need to have a plan to thwart these attempts to obtain your sensitive and confidential information.
Today we heavily rely on both computers and technology to run our businesses. Long gone are the days of pencils and papers to keep track of our company details. While malicious negative external forces need to be addressed, other factors impact the crisis management of your computers. A flood can easily whip out your technology system. A lost laptop can hinder your success. What are you doing to plan for any of these threats?
As part of the planning process you should:
- Identify Potential Crises
- Natural disasters
- Theft or vandalism
- Fire
- Loss of Power
- IT system failure – computer viruses, attacks by hackers or system failures
- Restricted access to premises – could your business function if you couldn’t access your workplace – for example, due to a gas leak?
- Loss or illness of key staff
- Preventative Action
- Reaction Plan
Weiskopf Consulting SWOT Analysis – Threat Worksheet click here
What Threat could hurt your brand? Utilize the Weiskopf Consulting SWOT Analysis to identify, prevent and react to potential Threats. Contact us at 630 474 3412 if you need help with the managing the Threats for brand or if you would like a free digital assessment.
Over 15+ years of experience in providing technical solutions and support to allow you to focus on your business.
P.S. For additional information, consider attending a workshop –