Yes, of course Google is a search engine. Yes, Google has 92.74% market share as of October 2018, handling more than 3.5 billion searches each day. But Google is so much more. Are you listed on Google My Business? Are you using best practices for SEO? Are you advertising online? Are you measuring your website […]
Year End Review
Happy Holidays! December is flying by and before we know it, the new year will have begun and all those new years resolutions will be flying around us. Before it gets to that place, let’s take a step back and make a manageable list to reflect on 2018. Check out our simplified check list to […]
Software Review
Why does it always seems like the second the turkey is cut the new year is upon us? And this year we have an extra week. How is that possible? Every year we say we will reflect on the previous year and make changes for the year ahead. But how often do we actually DO […]
Thanks to Jimmy Kimmel #NUD
Thanks to Jimmy Kimmel, we can celebrate #NUD today. Joking aside, take this day to do some social media clean up. Unfriend or unfollow toxic relationships. Update your pictures. Ensure your branding is sending the message you are intending it to send. Take our social media assessment to help get your digital platform in tip […]
This week is International Fraud Awareness Week, a week focusing on the global effort to minimize the impact of fraud. Fraud can be seen in many different ways. As defined by Miriam Webster fraud is wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. What are you doing to safeguard your business […]